Friday, September 01, 2006

Tori's crashing. She's crashing and we're all lost. They had to put her on a respirator, so they induced a coma so she wouldn't fight it. They also put her on dialysis because her kidneys just can't handle all the toxic by-products of the cellular breakdown she's experiencing. She's unable to regulate her own blood pressure, so they've got her on three different meds to keep it up. She can't handle being off those meds for even a minute (like changing the IV) without her blood pressure plummeting. She also has a fungal mass in one of her lungs, despite being on two powerful anti-fungals. If she makes it past this crisis, they're going to have to do surgery to remove half her lung. Christ.

I don't think she's coming back from this one. This time it seems like too much. Too much. The poor kid's body has had so much to deal with over the last eight months. She has fought back from the brink before, however. There is some hopeful news in all this - she's developed the rash that says the transplant cells have taken root. She's making white cells again and actually has a white count.

I worry. I worry. I cry. I hope.

1 comment:

Tina Rowley said...

I'm so sorry, so sorry to hear this. Oh, lady. So horrible. There aren't adequate words for this.

I'll call you sometime in the next couple of days here.