Monday, November 20, 2006

Google me now, mofos!

I find it amusing that I get more hits on this blog from people googling, "belly button rubbing" than I have regular readers. Of course, there are only 4 people who check regularly, so it's not that fantastic, but still...

What the fuck?! What is it that people need to learn from the internet about belly button rubbing? Looking for How-Tos?! Or is this some sort of fetish and people are looking for like minds? Are there belly button rubbing naughty pictures out there? To each his own, but...ew.

He still does it, by the way, Linus and the belly button comfort rubbing. It's still his only security "blanket" (though it may be getting competition lately from his Supa Man hoodie). He's pretty much weaned himself over the last couple of months, so there's no nursing-for-comfort now, just belly button checks. On occasion, not all the time. It's great for me because you can never misplace your belly button and then demand that I find it before you'll leave the house. Nobody cries because they can't find their belly button. At least, I'm assuming.

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