Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mini Me, er...Him

Ok, that right there could be a picture of Orion. Hands on hips, walking around, surveying the situation, furrowed brow. Of course, Orion doesn't have a pair of monster boots like that, and if he did, I doubt he'd insist on wearing them everywhere, every day. Sometimes, Linus even tries to get me to let him wear them to bed, but you gotta draw the line somewhere. I'm always taken by surprise whenever Linus busts out with some look or gesture that's exactly like Orion. I mean, I'm a biologist and all, so I know how it works, but still...

I figured I'd give a bit of a Linus update:

Well, he rocks, of course. That kind of goes without saying. He's talking all the time now and it's cute as hell. He's past that stage where we can say stuff in front of him without him understanding. Now if we want to talk about, say, chocolate (or "chocus", according to Linus) we have to spell it out, otherwise it can get ugly. He pretty much keeps up a running monologue, unless he's pooping or getting into something he knows he shouldn't, like mining my bag for gum. Handy, that. Kind of a warning system.

He's completely fascinated with Superman ("Supa!") and how he can fly. I really don't know how he found out about Superman. I suspect another kid at daycare must have spilled the beans. He loves to "fwy" like Supa - he puts his arms out and either wants us to carry him, or he dives onto the beanbag ("FWY!") (I know - killing you with the adorable. Believe me, I know!). The other day we were at the grocery store, when suddenly he yelled out, "Supa!" I'm looking around not seeing anything, but the baby keeps insisting, "Supa!" Finally, I follow his pointing to a jar of Napoleon brand roasted red peppers. I'm totally not getting it, then it dawns on me that Linus thinks the little picture of Napoleon is Superman. Well, he did have dark hair and we was wearing a red and blue outfit, so...ok.

Napoleon, Superman. Potato, Potahto, right?

Roasted red peppers are one of his favorite foods, by the way, completely independent of the whole Supoleon confusion. Peppers and "tatoes" (tomatoes). And, of course, chocus.

Can't forget about the chocus.

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