Thursday, December 01, 2005

Five Foos of Boring Work

I did a lot of boring crap today. How do I measure "a lot", you're probably not asking? When I get ready to leave work in the evening, I clear the files off my desktop left from the various program streams I've been listening to all day. Lately I've been listening to back episodes of Le Show. I can only listen to talking-type shows when I'm doing really mindless, boring crap, usually involving database management. Bleh. If what I'm doing requires a little more thought on my part, I can listen to music, even more, nothing. Anyway, the audio files from Le Show show up on my computer as "foo", "foo-1", "foo-infinity". You get the picture. I had five foos on my desktop today - that's 5 hours of Le Show. That's on top of the 4 or so hours of podcasts I have waiting for me daily. That's a lot of boring crap for one day.

"How was work today, honey?" "It was a five foo-er." "Ew. Have a drink"

I can't tell if this post is amusing me, or boring me. I promise I'll post a cute Linus picture when I get home.

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